Their lift was TINY and I am severely claustrophic! With my wheelchair and me inside, EaZyD had to straddle me to get in, my face at his crotch…lovely! The lift travelled slowly and noisily with me hyperventilating at the thought it would get stuck. It did not and we wheeled into a familiar large airy room with lake views – previously scene to my first severe neurological breakdown!
I would love to say we had a brilliant time, loads of laughs and it was as great as ever but how could it be? I had not reached any level of comfort with my illness or my life with wheelchair. EaZyD was just totally shattered. All the ease of previous visits was gone as we struggled to cope with my physical limitations in different surroundings. This was meant to be a holiday? A foreboding realisation of difficulties to come settled grimly upon us.
We resolved to make it as easy as possible which meant room service for breakfast, rise late and slow, get out by lunchtime, stay out for a few hours, back for afternoon tea, relax and go down for dinner. Repeat as often as necessary. We did manage to get back to our favourite art gallery, Goldmarks in Oakham - highly recommended if you are ever near Oakham and love art. The food, wine and service at Hambleys were as good as ever. It was fab to get away, out of London, out of hospitals but we returned in sober mood – this holiday thing was in need of some re-thinking if it was ever to be a pleasure again!