Me, increasing irritation: You used to have a temporary replacement scheme. Do you not do that now?
Them, blankly: Did we? | I’ll have to find out and get back to you. (They never do.) | Maybe they can get to you tomorrow. Is that OK?
Me: And, until then?
The SS: Dunno.
No-one gives a toss how you cope meantime. Within a few days - usually - a servicing and repair company comes out with a spare hoist but NEVER any common parts to effect immediate repair - not even a spare battery or handset. All such breakdowns involve several weeks of going backwards and forwards trying to keep track of my hoist, its parts, its repair and return or replacement.
Between breakdowns? Maintenance Services? Don't make me laugh. Every time I call, there are different procedures, different people, different companies. On a number of occasions, I have used private hire to plug the gap but now I keep a spare hoist, two batteries and handsets at home.
I have considered buying my own hoist and avoiding the SS altogether but there are so few private individuals in this market that you fall way behind local authorities and private healthcare companies for servicing and queries. Could it be worse? Yes, incredibly, it seems so.
I have money, resources, support, verbal skills, mental acuity. I really hate to imagine what happens to those who do not!