Stiletto and wheels Stiletto title Sole to sole Stiletto

STILETTO – a high pointed HEEL on a woman’s shoe or a small dagger.

WHEELS – a medieval instrument of torture or a vehicle for personal mobility. title
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ARTS - December 2009
Email Myvue

It is like Oxford Street on the first day of the sales. Who in hell wants to do that unless they have to … and in a wheelchair? Are you mad?

The reasons given for this onerous booking procedure were:

a. The system could not configure this type of discount

How is one carer/wheelchair seat, priced at the joint price, any different, in principle, to any other discounted seat? It is still one seat for one ticket. Carers get a seat; wheelchairs get a space. Not rocket science for a computer programme to deal with, is it?

b. ‘People’ might abuse the discount if shown online.

Given there are about 2 or 3 wheelchair spaces per screen, the scale of abuse is both small and easily checked. Let’s face it, if you sell a carer/wheelchair ticket, without a wheelchair, someone is on the floor, no? Surely, it is pretty easy to check this at every performance - even easier than identifying senior/child ticket abuse.

When I insisted on paying ahead because I could not bear the thought of queuing, I had to pay for two full price tickets but still could not use the swipe machines and had to collect at the counter with my card.

Really, this is crap service. Why should it be more difficult for us to book a ticket than for anyone else? Would any non-wheelchair user be happy with this? NO. That’s why online booking and swipe machines exist.

Myvue have managed to turn an easy, reasonably pleasant experience into a nightmare for wheelchair users. I am just itching to use that ‘discrimination’ word here but it is more that the service to us is just inferior with, in my opinion, no good reason.

To shut me up, I was given an email address to complain to. With their attitude on the phone, frankly, I’m not holding my breath for a positive response. OK, it’s hardly the end of the world, is it? But it sucks.

PS EaZyD says he just books 2 adult tickets. The tickets are not allocated and we have rarely seen another wheelchair user … probably because they start the same tedious process I did and just can’t be bothered!

email Myvue
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